Ž Called Party Display
The following information is displayed if the called party bridges on to the redirected
call after it has been answered.
• Connected Party Display
The connected party is the person who answered the redirected call. The “CP” in
the following example indicates the call purpose. (Call Purpose is explained in
Chapter 2 under “Display Area.”)
inter-PBX Attendant Calls (V2, V3, and Generic 1 Systems)
This feature allows attendant positions for more than one branch location to be concentrated
at one central, or main, location.
inter-PBX Attendant Service (IAS) calls follow the same operations as normal attendant calls.
Local attendants at the branch locations can be accessed through the Individual Attendant
Access feature. Listed directory number and listed directory number on direct inward dialing
calls directed to the branch system are routed to an IAS attendant when IAS is in effect.
When an IAS call is received by the system at the main location, it is routed to an IAS
attendant or put in the attendant queue if an attendant is not available. When an IAS main
attendant extends an IAS call, the routing of the extended call is done by the main system.
When the attendant releases the call, the IAS trunk of the system is occupied until the call is
Attendant Control and DCS Attendant Control of Trunk Group Access
On a branch system with IAS in effect, an attendant-seeking call is routed first to a local
attendant and then to an IAS attendant if a local attendant is not available. If the call is
routed to an IAS attendant and the attendant extends the call back to the trunk group, the
following occurs: In a Distributed Communications System (DCS) environment, the call is
recognized as an attendant-originated call and is not redirected again; in a non-DCS
environment the call is redirected by the branch system again because the call is recognized
as an incoming call.
Attendant Console Display
In a non-DCS environment
attendant console displays
when a call is routed to an
when a call is routed to an IAS attendant console by IAS, the
the call as an incoming tie trunk call. In a DCS environment,
IAS attendant console from a branch system and the IAS trunk
group is translated as a DCS trunk group, the attendant console displays the caller’s