If you are going to use account codes for a conference
call, you must enter a separate code for each participant
before you dial his or her number. To enter account
codes for a conference call, follow Steps 1 through 4,
then put the first call on hold and get a new dial tone by
pressing and releasing the Recall or Flash button or the
switchhook. Repeat Steps 2 through 4 for the second
call, then press and release the Recall or Flash button or
the switchhook again.
Entering or Changing an Account Code
During a Non-Conference Call
Put the call on hold by pressing and releasing the
Recall or Flash button or the switchhook.
Dial #82.
Dial the account code followed by #.
Return to the call on hold by pressing and releasing the
Recall or Flash button or the switchhook again.
If you make an error when entering an account code,
whether required or optional, you can change the code
while the call is in progress by repeating Steps 1
through 4.
5-4 Account Code Entry