Install Generic 3 Management Terminal
6-2 Issue 1 September 1995
Mains power for the terminal must be obtained from a standard voltage source in
the range of 115 to 230 volts AC in the equipment room. The terminal is
auto-sensing and automatically adjusts to receive the type of AC power at the
An optional printer may be used with the terminal to provide hard copies of
administration data. A parallel printer should be connected to the printer or PAR
port. A serial printer should be connected to the Data Communication Equipment
(DCE) port.
Always connect the terminal cable to the Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) port on
the back of the terminal. See Table 6-1.
Figure Notes:
1. Parallel port to which optional parallel printer is connected.
2. Data Communication Equipment (DCE) port to which optional serial printer is connected.
3. Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) port to which cable from switch is always connected. No
matter what the position of the Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) port, always connect the
cable from the switch to the port.
Figure 6-1. Partial Rear View of one version of the 715
Management Terminal (715 MT)
Connect Generic 3 Management
Terminal (G3-MT)
1. Unpack the terminal and inspect for damage.
AUX Port