Interactions Involving EAS
Issue 4 September 1995
an alphanumeric display and an inspect button. When the inspect button is
pressed during a call to or from the EAS agent, the physical terminal name of the
agent is displayed.
Calls to the physical extension show the physical extension’s number and name
on the originator’s display.
Look-Ahead Interflow
Skills are not sent to another ACD/PBX when a call interflows using Look-Ahead
Interflow. If skills have the same meaning on both ACDs, a Look-Ahead Interflow
command to a VDN with the same skills assigned can provide a mapping of the
Multiple Split Queuing
When EAS is enabled, the Multiple Split Queuing feature is called Multiple Skill
Queuing, which has the same functionality. With Multiple Split/Skill Queuing a call
can only queue to a maximum of 3 splits/skills.
If EAS is enabled on the DEFINITY switch, The Outbound Call Management
(OCM)/Expert Agent Selection (EAS) feature is required for a CallVisor ASAI
adjunct application to launch predictive Outbound Call Management (OCM)
calls. Predictive Calling is an OCM feature that is often used in applications, such
as sales or ‘‘cold-calling,’’ where it does not matter which agent is accessed by a
caller and for which it is important to keep the agents utilized fully.
While OCM predictive calling is an outbound call management application, the
EAS environment provides a number of desirable features for inbound call
handling. The OCM/EAS feature allows the customer to enable both types of call
handling on the switch. From a technical standpoint, if EAS is enabled, the
feature is needed for the following reasons:
■ All skill hunt groups are vector-controlled. (However, to launch a
predictive OCM call in a traditional ACD environment, the ACD split
cannot be vector-controlled.)
■ The traditional ACD environment and EAS cannot be enabled on the
switch at the same time.
The OCM/EAS feature extends the ASAI features to include launching predictive
OCM calls from a VDN extension. Previously, ASAI hosts could launch predictive
calls only from ACD split extensions. A limited number of Call Vectoring
commands are supported in the VDNs used to launch or process OCM
predictive calls. These commands are listed in the following section.