Caller Does Nothing
The caller’s last alternative is to do nothing (the caller does not dial a route or
extension, or has a rotary phone). The Attendant automatically puts the call on
Route 0. Again, at ABC the call would be transferred to extension 10, the
Destination extension for Route 0.
Route 0 is called the "Automatic Route." The Attendant automatically routes
calls to Route 0 when a caller takes no action.
Answering an Attendant-Transferred Call
When the Attendant transfers a call to a Destination extension that has a
system display phone (MLS-12D or MLS-34D), the Attendant’s two-digit
extension number will appear on the display. The person picking up the call
should glance at the display before answering, and answer with a greeting that
appropriately follows the Attendant’s announcement. For example, at ABC
Supermarket, the person at the Deli Corner answers with the message, "Deli
Corner, how may I help you," and does not start with "ABC Supermarket"
because the caller already heard it from the Attendant.
When the Attendant transfers a call to a display phone at the Attendant’s
Transfer Return extension because a particular extension did not answer, the
words "Transfer from AA" will appear on the display. The person at the Transfer
Return extension should be aware that the caller did not reach the desired
extension and answer the call appropriately. For example, at ABC Supermar-
ket, the operator says, "This is the operator. The extension you are trying to
reach is not answering. How may I help you?"
Of course, if an extension functions as both a Destination extension and a
Transfer Return extension, either message can appear. (In the usual setup, the
operator at extension 10 is both the Destination extension for Route 0 and the
Transfer Return extension.) The person should therefore be prepared to
answer Attendant-transferred calls both ways.
Setup Decisions: An Introduction
Attendants can be set up in many different ways. ABC Supermarket is an
example of a typical setup. Your needs may demand a less or more sophisti-
cated setup. The rest of this chapter will help you decide on the best configu-
ration for your business.
Before installing any Attendants, make a copy of the planning form in Appendix
A and fill it out as you make the following decisions:
Determine the Call Answering Mode. Should your Attendant answer calls
as soon as they come in, or only if the receptionist or operator is busy?
How should calls be answered after hours?
Determine the number of Attendants required to handle your call volume.
Setup Decisions