About This Guide
Purpose and Scope
AT&T Service Technicians should already be familiar with the contents of
this guide. Customer technical personnel performing their own installation
should read this entire guide before attempting an initial installation.
To upgrade an existing system, follow the instructions in Chapter 2 for
upgrading the hardware, and in Chapter 5 for upgrading the software.
Refer to other chapters as necessary for troubleshooting and recovery.
The guide is divided into the following chapters and appendices:
Preface: About This Guide
explains how to use this guide.
Chapter1: Introduction
explains how to prepare for installation.
Chapter 2: Hardware Installation explains how to set up an
80386-based microprocessor to support AUDIX ™ Voice Power.
This process includes installing circuit board hardware and connecting
to the switch.
Chapter 3: Software Installation
explains how to install all software
necessary for the operation of the AUDIX Voice Power system.