Decoder for Atlas N Scale H15/16-44 Locomotives
Atlas Model Railroad Co., Inc.
CV Description Range Default
Bit 1
Headlight mode:
0 = Operation with 14 or 27 speed-step
systems. This setting must be selected when
the locomotive decoder is used with any
DCC system that does not support the 28
speed-step mode. If the headlights turn on
and off as the speed is increased, the
command station is configured for 28 speed-
steps, and the decoder is set for 14 speed-
1 = Operation with 28, 55 or 128 speed
steps. If you use this setting, the Command
Station must also be configured to use either
the 28 speed-step mode or the 128 speed-
step mode; otherwise, the headlights cannot
be controlled.
0,1 1
Bit 2
Usage on conventional DC layouts:
0 = locomotive operates only in digital (DCC)
1 = locomotive can operate in either analog
(conventional DC) or digital (DCC) mode
0,1 1
Bit 3 Always 0 0 0
Bit 4
Speed curve:
0 = Factory-default speed curve is used
1 = User-defined speed curve is used.
Please enter the appropriate values into CVs
67 to 94 before setting this bit.
0,1 0
Bit 5
2-digit or 4-digit Addressing:
0= Short (2-digit) address used
1= Long (4-digit) address used
0,1 0
Bit 6
Bit 7
Not used
Both bits always 0
50 Decoder Configuration, Byte 2:
CV50 is similar to CV29, but CV50 is used to set
other properties. The definitions for the individual bits
of CV50 are given below.
0 - 12 1
Bit 0 Not used 1
Bit 1
Not used.