Product Safety Precautions
Be certain that the separator jaws are evenly set between bearing halves before attempting to separate.
Lead Screw (5) should be centered on the shaft where the bearings are being pulled to avoid damaging shaft
or bearing housing.
Avoid pinching or scraping the bearing shaft by securely (and squarely) placing the Jaws around the bearing
• Use care when removing the Lead Screw (5) from the case to avoid damaging the threads. Pry up from the
ends of the Lead Screw (5).
Pulling Bearings off Shaft
• Select the proper size Bearing Separator Jaw (2.2
"~3.0 "#2 or 2" #14)for the bearing size being removed
from the shaft.
• Loosen the Separator Jaw Nuts (3 or 15) sufficiently to allow the jaws to catch behind the bearing housing.
• Using a wrench (not supplied) begin to (evenly) tighten the Nuts (3 or 15) until the jaws are securely set
behind the bearing housing.
• Screw in both Extension Screws (5"- 4 and 12, or 4"- 6 and 9) of the same length into the bearing separator
jaws (2.2"~3.0" #2 or 2" #14)as in Picture 1 below.
Note: Do not use Extension Screws of different lengths.
• Place the 6" Yoke (16) over the Extension Screws (5"- 4 and 12, or 4"- 6 and 9) and tightly secure with
Washers (7 or 10) and Nuts (8 or 11).
• Screw in Lead Screw (5) into the Yoke (16) until it touches the center of the shaft where the bearings are
• Using a wrench, turn the Lead Screw (5) clockwise until the bearing housing begins to move off the shaft.
Continue turning the Lead Screw (5) until the bearing housing is off the shaft.
• Remove the Lead Screw (5) by turning it counterclockwise.
• Remove bearing housing.