2. Select Option > Tasks List.
3. Highlight a task, then press the Enter key
to view details. OR
Select Option to view the Option menu.
The Option menu enables you to view,
add, edit, delete, or send a task.
See the “Tasks List” section in this
chapter for more information about tasks.
Tasks List
You can create a list of tasks for a date on the
calendar. Access Tasks List from the Organizer
menu, or the Calendar tool, as described in the
“Calendar” section of this chapter.
To access the Tasks List:
1. From the main menu, select Organizer >
Tasks List.
Stored tasks are then displayed.
2. Select Add to add a new task. There are
fields for date, time, content, and alarms.
Select date and time fields using the
joystick keys, and modify the fields using
the keypad.
Select Content and press the Enter
key. A text entry window opens to enter
information about the task(s) for this
date. Select Save to save content.
The Alarm Notify field activates or
deactivates the alarm. Select Activate
or Deactivate using the right and left
joystick keys.
If you chose to activate the alarm, set
a frequency for the alarm in the Alarm
Type field. Select Once, Everyday, Days
(Monday through Friday), Weekly, or
Monthly, using the right and left joystick
3. To edit a task, highlight a task from the
list then press the Enter key to confirm.
4. Highlight an option from the option menu
and press the Enter key to confirm.
To enter a recurring daily, weekly, or monthly
1. Follow the steps described above to add
or edit tasks.
2. In the date field, enter the date you would
like the recurring task to begin.
3. In the Alarm Notify field, select
4. In the Alarm Type field, select Every
Day, Day (Monday through Friday),
Weekly, or Monthly.
The task is then recorded for all relevant
dates after the starting date. These dates
appear framed in red in the calendar.
The phone includes a calculator function. You
may choose between a basic or a scientific
To use the basic calculator:
1. From the main menu, select Organizer >
Calculator > Basic.