P505 Smart PDA Phone
To change the Call Forwarding options:To change the Call Forwarding options:
To change the Call Forwarding options:To change the Call Forwarding options:
To change the Call Forwarding options:
1. From the Services tab, select
Call ForwardingCall Forwarding
Call ForwardingCall Forwarding
Call Forwarding, then tap the
Get Settings Get Settings
Get Settings Get Settings
Get Settings button. The
screen displays the Call
Forwarding settings.
2. Adjust the Call Forward settings
from this window, then tap
The phone sends the new
settings to the network.
To change the Call Waiting settings:To change the Call Waiting settings:
To change the Call Waiting settings:To change the Call Waiting settings:
To change the Call Waiting settings:
1. From the Services tab, select
Call WaitingCall Waiting
Call WaitingCall Waiting
Call Waiting, then tap the
Settings Settings
Settings Settings
Settings button. The screen
displays the Call Waiting
2. Change the Call Waiting settings
from this window, then tap .
The phone sends the new
settings to the network.