Note that the content you’ll nd covers general Gmail behavior,
but not accessibility features like TalkBack and Explore by Touch.
Related settings
• To modify the font size for Gmail messages, go to More Op-
tions > Settings > General Settings > Message Text Size.
Browse Chrome
These instructions assume that you have turned on TalkBack, Ex-
plore by Touch, and Enhanced Web Accessibility.
• From a Home or Apps screen, nd the Chrome icon and dou-
ble-tap to open it.
Chrome opens to display your homepage or the most recent page
you were browsing.
The web address (URL) of the current page is located at the top of
the screen in the address box (also called the omnibox).
To edit or input a web address, you can:
1. Swipe right to nd the omnibox at the top of the screen, and
double-tap to edit.
2. Slide your nger across the onscreen keyboard and release a
key to input text.
3. As you type, a list of matching suggestions appears. You can
keep on typing or nd a suggestion and double-tap to open
the page.
4. To search for the contents of the omnibox or open a specic
web address it contains, nd and double-tap the Go key on the
right side in the second row of the keyboard.