1. Touch Settings > Personal > Security > Credential stor-
age >Trusted credentials. The trusted credentials screen has
two tabs:
System displays certicate authority (CA) certicates that are
permanently installed in the ROM of your tablet.
User displays any CA certicates that you have installed your-
self, for example in the process of installing a client certicate.
2. To examine the details of CA certicate, touch its name.
A scrolling screen displays the details.
3. To remove or disable a CA certicate, scroll down to the bot-
tom of the details screen and touch either Disable for system
certicates or Remove for user certicates.
When you disable a system CA certicate, the button at the
bottom of its details screen changes to Enable, so you can
enable the certicate again if necessary. When you remove a
user-installed CA certicate, it is gone permanently and must
be re-installed if you want it back.
In the conrmation dialog that appears, click OK.