Chapter 6
Turn On Bluetooth The Bluetooth radio is turned on and you can use Bluetooth features.
Turn Off Bluetooth The Bluetooth radio is turned off. You might want to turn the radio off at times to
conserve battery power, or in situations where radio use is prohibited, like on airplanes
and in hospitals.
Turn On Visibility The Bluetooth radio is turned on, and other Bluetooth devices within range (about 10
meters) can detect your phone.
Turn Off Visibility The Bluetooth radio is turned on, but other Bluetooth devices cannot detect your
Creating a Bluetooth partnership
Before your phone can communicate with another device, you need to create a partnership between
your phone and the other Bluetooth-enabled device. Your phone can create partnerships with up to
10 other Bluetooth devices.
To create a Bluetooth partnership
1. Ensure that the two devices are within close range and that both Bluetooth-enabled devices are
2. On the Home screen, press Start > Settings > Connections > Bluetooth.
3. Select Add new Device.... Your phone searches for other Bluetooth-enabled devices and
displays them in the list.
4. Select the device with which you want to create a Bluetooth partnership, and press Next.
5. Enteraenterapersonalidenticationnumber(PIN)between1and16characters,andpress
6. Enter the same PIN on the other device.