2. Private Album
Personal pictures can be saved in the Private
1. Go to Media Center > Image Gallery >
Private Album and enter password
(default :1234) before viewing the pictures.
3. To move the images back to My Album,
just press > Unhide > > . The
images will then be moved to My Album.
The default Phone Lock Code is
1234. To change the code, go to Settings >
Phone Settings > Security > Phone Lock
Image Gallery
There are five folders, My Album, Main
Wallpaper, Sub Wallpaper, Frame, Private
Album, in the image gallery. Users are able to
browse and edit all the images in these folders.
Just follow the instructions in the previous
My Video
The recorded video will be saved in My Video.
Go to Camera > My Video and press to
operate the following functions:
Video Editing
Option Discription
View to view the selected video
Change View to change ways of browsing
videoes, Thumbnail or
Name List
Find to search videoes with file
Set as to set the video as the power
on animation or power off
Delete to delete the selected video
Delete All to delete all videoes
Rename to rename the video
Detail to view the detail of the
image, including Name,
Formate, Size and etc.
Storage to check the storage status
Video Editing
Private Album