ASUS Tablet
• UseonlythebundledpoweradapterandthemicroUSBcable
to charge your ASUS Tablet. Using a dierent power adapter
may damage your ASUS Tablet.
• Peeltheprotectivelmofromthepoweradapterandmicro
USB cable before charging the ASUS Tablet to prevent risk or
• Ensurethatyouplugthepoweradaptertothecorrectpower
outlet with the correct input rating. The output voltage of this
adapter is DC 5.2 V, 1.35 A.
• WhenusingyourASUSTabletwhileplugged-intoapower
outlet, the grounded power outlet must be near the unit and
easily accessible.
• DonotplaceobjectsontopofyourASUSTablet.
• YourASUSTabletcanbechargedviatheUSBportona
computer only when it is in sleep mode (screen o) or turned
• ChargingthroughaUSBportofacomputermaytakelonger
time to complete.
• Ifyourcomputerdoesnotprovideenoughpowerfor
charging your ASUS Tablet, charge your ASUS Tablet via the
grounded power outlet instead.
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