Chapter 2 35
ACPI Suspend Type This item specifies the power saving modes for ACPI
function. S1(POS): The S1 sleep mode is a low power
state. In this state, no system context (CPU or chipset) is
lost and hardware maintains all system context. S3 (STR):
The S3 sleep mode is s power-down state in which power
is supplied only to essential components such as main
memory and wake-capable devices and all system context
is saved to main memory. The information stored in
memory will be used to restore the PC to the previous state
when an wake-up event occurs. S1&S3: Both S1 and S3
will be adopted.
S1 (POS)
S3 (STR)
Video Off in Suspend This option is used to set video mode in suspend status.
The setting values are Yes and No.
Video Off Method This item determines the manner in which the monitor is
V/H SYNC+Blank: This selection will cause the system to
turn off the vertical and horizontal synchronization ports
and write blanks to the video buffer. Blank Screen: This
option only write blanks to the video buffer. DPMS
Supported: Initial display power management signaling.
Blank Screen
V/H SYNC+Blank
Modem Use IRQ This setting names the interrupt request (IRQ) line
assigned to the modem (if any) on your system. Activity of
selected IRQ always awakens the system.
HDD Power Down This option is used to define the continuous HDD
idle time before the HDD enters power saving
mode. The setting values are disabled and 1 min
to 15 min.
2,13,14,15 Min
Soft-off by PWR-BATTN This option is used to set the power down
method. This function is only valid for systems
using an ATX power supply. When ““instant off” is selected,
press the power switch to immediately
turn off power. When “delay 4 sec” is selected, press and
hole the power button for four seconds to turn off power.
Instant Off
Delay 4 Sec.
PWRON After PWR-Fail This item allow user set the machine power state when
connect the AC power. "Always off" means the machine is
always off when power on; "Always on" means the
machine will always power on when connect the AC power;
"Pre-State" means the machine state is the same as the
last state.
Always Off
Always On
Power On By Ring These items allow users to customize how the system
behaves in standby mode. The separate items are set to
Enabled or Disabled to determine whether the specified
action wakes up the system.
Wakeup By LAN PME Disabled
LAN Remote Wakeup Disabled
Wakeup By PME Disabled
Wakeup By USB KB/MS Enabled
Wakeup By PS2 KB/MS Enabled
Resume By Alarm When enabled, this item activates the Month, Day, and
Time fields. Setting these fields causes the system to
wakeup on the specified date and time.
HPET Support This item enables or disables support for the High
Precision Event Timer (HPET).
HPET Mode This item sets the High Precision Event Timer (HPET)
32-bit Mode
64-bit Mode
Parameter Description Options