154 Chapter 4
0xB5 Fade out OEM Logo or post string LBT Core
0xC5 End hotkey detection (Server BIOS) LBT Core
0xBE If BCP option is enabled, clear the screen before
LBT Core
0xB6 If password on boot is enabled, a call is made to
Setup to check password. If the user does not enter
a valid password, Setup does not return.
LBT Core
0xBC Clear parity-error latch LBT Core
0xB7 Initialize ACPI BIOS. LBT Core
0x9B Enable CPU management (Geyserville I) LBT Core
0xBD Display Boot First menu if MultiBoot is installed and
hotkey pressed.
LBT Core
0xBF Check virus and backup reminders. LBT Core
0x97 Create pointer to MP table in Extended BDA. LBT Core
0x99 Check support status for Self-Monitoring Analysis
Reporting Technology (disk-failure warning).
LBT Core
0xB1 Unload ROM Pilot LBT Core
0xDD Perform remote flash if requested LBT Core
0xC7 If UCR redirection is installed, remove display
manager and unhook INT10
LBT Core
0XDF Shutdown the PXE UNDI code LBT Core
0xB3 Store enhanced CMOS values in non-volatile area LBT Core
0xE4 Last Legacy BIOS Task before hand off to UEFI/DXE LBT Core
0xB9 Clear all screen graphics before booting. bootLegacy Core
0xC0 INT19 entry for legacy boot bootLegacy Core
0xEF Invalid AP # SDXE Core
0xEF Non-Yohna and non-Morem class CPU found for
SDXE (getTSCFreq)
0xEE AP cannot synch BSP in SDXE (syncWithBSP) SDXE Core
0xEE BSP cannot synch w/ AP in SDXE (syncWithAP) SDXE Core
POST Code Function Phase Component