Chapter 4 155
0x8B Setup interrupt vector and present bit in Equipment
LBT Core
0x95 1. Check CMOS for CD-ROM drive present 2.
Activate the drive by checking for media present 3.
Check sector 11h (17) for Boot Record Volume
Descriptor 4. Check the boot catalog for validity 5.
Pick a boot entry 6. Create a Specification Packet
LBT Core
0x92 Jump to UserPatch2. LBT Core
0xB6 If password on boot is enabled, a call is made to
Setup to check password. If the user does not enter
a valid password, Setup does not return.
LBT Core
0x98 Search for option ROMs. Rom scan the area from
C800h for a length of BCP_ROM_Scan_Size (or to
E000h by default) on every 2K boundary, looking for
add on cards that need initialization.
LBT Core
0x93 Build the MPTABLE for multi-processor boards LBT Core
0xD9 IPMI late init LBT Core
0x9C Set up Power Management. Initiate power -
management state machine.
LBT Core
0xC7 Late note dock init LBT Core
0x9E Enable hardware interrupts LBT Core
0xA0 Setup time tick for current date/time LBT Core
0xA2 Setup Numlock indicator. Display a message if key
switch is locked.
LBT Core
0xA4 Initialize typematic rate LBT Core
0xDB StrongROM Test LBT Core
0xE2 OEM security key test LBT Core
0xC2 Write PEM errors. LBT Core
0xBA Initialize the SMBIOS header and sub-structures. LBT Core
0xC3 Display PEM errors. LBT Core
0xA8 Overwrite the "Press F2 for Setup" prompt with
spaces, erasing it from the screen.
LBT Core
0xAA Scan the key buffer to see if the F2 key was struck
after keyboard interrupts were enabled. If an F2
keystroke is found, set a flag.
LBT Core
0xE1 Start Periodic Timer (TC Subscribe) LBT Core
0xAC Check if "Enter SETUP" is pressed. LBT Core
0x8F Count the number of ATA drives in the system and
update the number in bdaFdiskcount.
LBT Core
0x91 Configure the local bus IDE timing register based on
the drives attached to it.
LBT Core
0x9F Check the total number of Fast Disks (ATA and
SCSI) and update the bdaFdiskCount.
LBT Core
0xD7 Check if FirstWare HPA exists LBT Core
0xAE Clear ConfigFailedBit and InPostBit in CMOS. LBT Core
0xB0 Check for errors and decide if needs to run Setup. LBT Core
0xB2 Change status bits in CMOS and/or the TrustedCore
data area to reflect the fact that POST is complete.
LBT Core
POST Code Function Phase Component