140 Chapter 4
0x8A Initialize OEM special code Crisis Recovery Core
0x8B Initialize PIC and DMA Crisis Recovery Core
0x8C Initialize Memory type Crisis Recovery Core
0x8D Initialize Memory size Crisis Recovery Core
0x8F Initialize SMM Crisis Recovery Core
0x90 System memory test Crisis Recovery Core
0x91 Initialize interrupt vectors Crisis Recovery Core
0x92 Initialize Run Time Clock Crisis Recovery Core
0x99 Initialize security Crisis Recovery Core
0x93 Initialize video Crisis Recovery Core
0x94 Output one beep Crisis Recovery Core
0x98 USB Initialization Crisis Recovery Core
0x95 Initialize the installed boot devices Crisis Recovery Core
0x96 Clear Huge segment Crisis Recovery Core
0x97 Boot Crisis Disk Crisis Recovery Core
0x20 DXE starts DXE Core
0x02 BIOSBlockIO DXE Core
0x00 BIOSPSM Exception Handler / Divide error BIOSPSM Core
0x38 Cannot locate LegacyRegion DXE BIOSPSM Core
0xB1 ACPISupport driver Installed DXE Core
0xE0 BDS Entry DXE Core
0x07 IA32 variable driver entry DXE Core
0x0D conspliter driver entry DXE Core
0x10 partition driver entry DXE Core
0x49 pciRootBridge driver entry DXE Core
0xC6 pciBusDriver entry DXE Core
0xE0 Go to legacy BIOS or BDS Entry Point DXE Core
0x90 Start Image DXE Core
0x90 Start Image Successfully DXE Core
0x90 Start Image Failed DXE Core
0x33 Debug Test driver for debug test PPI 1 DXE Core
0x22 Debug Test driver for debug test PPI 2 DXE Core
0x11 Debug Test driver for debug test PPI 3 DXE Core
0x02 Invalid event # for measuring Separator Event DXE TCG
0x02 Invalid event # for measuring Separator Event DXE TCG
0x02 PCR Index over limit (PCR > 23) DXE TCG
0x02 TCG copy memory failed DXE TCG
0x09 TCG log event failed DXE TCG
0x09 Setup event log failed DXE TCG
0x12 TIS set active locality failed DXE TCG
0x12 TIS relinquish active locality failed DXE TCG
Function Phase Component