40 Chapter 2
Example 1: Read DMI Information from Memory
dmitools /r
Manufacturer (Type1, Offset04h): Acer
Product Name (Type1, Offset05h): Aspire 5534 xxxxx
Serial Number (Type1, Offset07h): 01234567890123456789
UUID String (Type1, Offset08h): xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Asset Tag (Type3, Offset04h): Acer Asstag
Example 2: Write Product Name to EEPROM
dmitools /wp Acer
Example 3: Write Serial Number to EEPROM
dmitools /ws 01234567890123456789
Example 4: Write UUID to EEPROM
dmitools /wu
Example 5: Write Asset Tag to EEPROM
dmitools /wa Acer Asstag
Using the LAN MAC Utility
Perform the following steps to write MAC information to eeprom:
1. Use a text editor, for example Notepad, to edit the MAC.CFG file as shown:
• WriteData= '001122334455' <------- MAC value
• StartAddr=7A <------- MAC address
• WriteLeng=6 <------- MAC value length
• KeepByte=0 <------- can be any value
2. Boot into DOS.
3. Execute MAC.BAT to write MAC information to eeprom.