Chapter 2 54
The Exit screen contains parameters that help safeguard and protect your computer from unauthorized use.
The table below describes the parameters in this screen.
Parameter Description
Exit Saving Changes Allows the user to save changes to CMOS and reboot the system.
Exit Discarding
Allows the user Discards changes made and exits System Setup.
Load Setup Default Loads default settings for all parameters (same as t ).
Discard Changes Allows the user to discard previous changes in CMOS Setup.
Insyde Software SCU May 20, 2003 5:40:09
Main Advanced Security Boot Exit
Exit Saving Changes
--------------Exit Saving Changes------------------- Exit Discarding Changes
Press <OK> to save the current Load Setup Default
Setup parameters to CMOS RAM. Discard Changes
The system will reboot !!!
OK Cancel
<Tab> <Right> <Left> for block select. <Up> <Down> for item select.
< Enter> for accept. <Cancel> <Esc> for reject. <Alt> activates accelerators.
<Space> for Enable or Disable.