
MIB Object Definitions for Counters
Page B-5
The LateEventThreshold is greater than 480 bit times and less than 565 bit
times. LateEventThreshold has tolerances included to permit an
implementation to build a single threshold to serve as both the
LateEventThreshold and ValidPacketMinTime threshold.
The approximate minimum time for rollover of this counter is 81 hours."
Reference: IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,, aLateEvents
Very Long Events
"This counter is incremented by one for each CarrierEvent on this port
whose ActivityDuration is greater than the MAU Jabber Lockup Protection
timer TW3 (Ref: 9.6.1 & 9.6.5, IEEE 802.3 Std).
Other counters may be incremented as appropriate." Reference: IEEE 802.3
Rptr Mgt,, aVeryLongEvents
D.R. Mismatches
"This counter is incremented by one for each frame received on this port
that meets all of the following conditions:
a) The CollisionEvent signal is not asserted.
b) The ActivityDuration is greater than ValidPacketMinTime.
c) The frequency (data rate) is detectably mismatched from the local
transmit frequency.
The exact degree of mismatch is vendor specific and is to be defined by the
vendor for conformance testing.
When this event occurs, other counters whose increment conditions were
satisfied may or may not also be incremented, at the implementor's
discretion. Whether or not the repeater was able to maintain data integrity is
beyond the scope of this standard."
Reference: IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,, aDataRateMismatches
Auto Partitions
"This counter is incremented by one for each time the repeater has
automatically partitioned this port. The conditions that cause port
partitioning are specified in the partition state machine in Section 9 [IEEE
802.3 Std]. They are not differentiated here."
Reference: IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,, aAutoPartitions