
Username: enter external file system account user name. (For NAS, please refer to NAS user
manual to create user name and password).
Password: enter external file system account password.
Path: Enter the full path of destination to store your information in format of IP address and
directory in the format as
path //192.168.x.X/xxx where 192.168.x.x is storage IP address and
xxx is the root directory. Network camera will create a “AviFolder” below the home directory.
Shared Folder Size (MB) : The maximum size of folder
Max Record File Size (MB) : The maximum of each record file size.
Please note, if the record exceed the file folder size. The oldest file will be deleted and replaced
by newest record file.
©2007 Asante Networks Inc., All rights reserved. NetCam are registered trademarks of Asante Network, Inc.
All other names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Specifications subject to change without prior notice.