
6.3.2 Contextual Menu on a Folder
Create Folder: Same as above.
Delete Folder: This will delete the folder and its entire contents. It will ask “Do you really want to delete folder X
and all files therein? Yes/No.”
Rename Folder: Same as Rename File above.
6.3.3 Contextual Menu while in the Double Browser
Source Destination
By using the unique Archos double browser system, you can copy or move files from one location in the file
structure to another (caution: there is a limit of 1000 files per folder). While in the Browser mode, you simply click
the RIGHT button and a second browser window will open. You can jump between the two windows using the
LEFT/RIGHT buttons. Wherever the cursor is highlighting a file or folder, that window is the source for the copy.
The destination folder will be the other window. Once you have decided on the destination folder, move to the
source browser window, highlight the file to copy, and then click on the MENU button. You can now choose
Copy file to copy the highlighted file, Copy All Files to copy all the files in that folder to the destination folder, or
Move File to move it to the destination folder
6.4 Using the Virtual Keyboard
It is recommended that you create folders and rename files or folders from your computer when it is connected to the Gmini. The computer
keyboard is easier to use. Often times, however, you are not near your computer and you would like to enter the text directly with the Gmini. For
this, you will use the virtual keyboard. You will be taken to this screen when you rename a file or folder or create a new folder.
1 - Contextual Menu
2 - Text being typed
3 - Cursor
4 - Upper/Lower case*
5 - Delete character*
6 - Clear entire line*
7 - Enter*
* These items can also be found in
the contextual menu
You will use the LEFT, RIGHT, UP, and DOWN buttons
to move around the keyboard. Click on ENTER to enter
the character that is highlighted. Once your text is
entered, select Enter on the bottom right.
Tip: use the ESC key to cancel any changes you made
and exit the virtual keyboard.