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MUSIC - Using iTunes
with your Gmini
VIDEO - Playing Video Files
The easiest way to transfer music fi les between a Macintosh
computer and your Gmini
402 is to use the Macintosh Finder
drag and drop the fi les to and from your Macintosh
However, for Macintosh
users who do want to use the Gmini
402 with
has developed a special i-Tunes
plug-in. You will fi nd
it in the folder /Data/i-Tunes Plug-in on the Gmini
402 hard disk or
from the ARCHOS
website. In this folder you will fi nd a .sit compressed
fi le. Uncompress it and open the folder for your operating system. You will a
fi nd a JPEG image illustrating where you need to copy the plug-in to. Once
this is done, iTunes
will recognize the Gmini
402 as a ‘Device’.
To make your user experience easy as possible, please keep in mind the
1) Music purchased at Apple’s on-line music store are copy protected with
a proprietary encryption system. The ARCHOS
device will not be able to
play this purchased music. It will happily play MP3 format fi les without
2) When you create your Playlists with iTunes
(you can only create
Playlists from songs that have been copied to your Gmini
402), your
will save these Playlists to the root directory of your Gmini
402. It will not save them to the Gmini
402 Playlists directory. It would be
best to use the Gmini
402 itself to make Playlists (See section Creating
a Playlist in chapter Music – Playlists) and then save these Playlists in
your Playlists folder.
3) When you drag and drop MP3 fi les from your iTunes
library to your
402, the i-Tunes
program will look at the ID3 tag information (See
section Music – Playing music fi les of this manual for an explanation of
ID3 tags) of the MP3 fi le, and create a folder on the root of your Gmini
402 using the name of the Artist as the folder name. Then it will take the
Album name ID3 tag, and create a subfolder with that album as its name.
Finally, it will take the MP3 song itself and place it into that album subfolder.
Thus, although it is a clean structure of artists and albums, i-Tunes
not follow the Gmini
402 convention of placing the music into the Music
folder fi rst.
Like a music fi le, you simply highlight the video fi le and
then click on PLAY/GO
. The thumbnail images on the
right side will show you a frame from the highlighted video
fi le (center) as well as a frame from the fi le above and the
fi le below the highlighted one. By clicking on the Video icon
in the main menu, you will enter into a display ‘video only’
mode. Other fi le types that may be in this folder are only
listed if you enter the folder via the Browser.
To watch your videos on a television,
you must hold down the F2 function
button (the center function button)
for three seconds. The Gmini
screen will go black and the video
will be sent out to your connected
television. Switch your television to
auxiliary video input (often found just
below channel 1 – sometimes called
L1 or L2). If you don’t see a clear
color image, you may have to set your
402 to your local television standard (NTSC or PAL) in the Setup
> Display settings menu.
• Use the PLAY/GO
button to pause/resume the video.
• Use the UP/DOWN buttons to control the volume.
• Hold down the RIGHT/LEFT buttons to fast forward or
fast reverse through the video.
• Click the right function button to Hide/Show the overlaid video time
• Click the Options function button to set a bookmark, change the screen
presentation. Long press to switch between built-in video and external