AppsLib is the application marketplace for Android tablets. Thousands of apps available to download straight to your Android tablet.
Check out the best in free and paid-for applications.
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into AppsLib for hassle free
shopping whenever you want.
When an update is available, you can:
1.Tap on the AppsLib icon on the Home screen.
The application is opened. An update notification is displayed.
2.Tap on Update Later.
You can access the application categories and download.
Appslib will be listed on your My Apps list. Tap on it to update.
As long as you do not update, a notification will be displayed
whenever you open Appslib.
1.Tap on the AppsLib icon on the Home screen.
The application is opened. An update notification is displayed.
2.Tap on Update Now. The update starts.
3.Follow the on-screen instructions.
4.At the end of the installation, tap on Open.
NOTE: Download Appslib at www.appslib.com
Ratings and comments
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you can rate and comment on your
applications for all the AppsLib com-
munity to see.
Approved apps
Thanks to our approved stamp, you
can see which applications have
already been tested to work on your
tablet by our engineers.
All kinds of applications
Clear and unique categories such
as 3D games.
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