Step 5
After completion of plumbing connections, remove fi ll-port cap using wrench provided and pour neutralizer media into mineral tank using
funnel provided (Figure 4). DO NOT fi ll tank above the line on the side of the media tank.
Overfi lling the tank can result in neutralizer media entering the service lines. You may have been provide more media than is required
for the initial fi ll. Save this extra media for future replenishment.
Step 6
Open inlet valve and then turn water supply back on. Using a garden hose or bucket, fi ll unit with water through fi ll-port. Replace fi ll-port
Step 7
Attach a garden hose to boiler drain (if installed) on outlet of the APUN Series Upfl ow Acid Neutralizer System. Discharge of hose should be
into a bucket or drain. Open boiler drain and slowly open inlet valve to fl ush the APUN Series Upfl ow Acid Neutralizer System. Discharge
water from hose will be milky white due to fi nes generated during shipping and handling. Very fi ne particles of neutralizer media may also
be observed in the water. If “sand” like particles are observed, reduce fl ush fl ow rate and then gradually increase. Continue to fl ush until
discharge water runs clear.
Step 8
Upon completion of fl ushing, close boiler drain and bypass valve and open outlet valve.
Step 9
Installation is now complete. Turn water heater back on and test treated water with commercially available pH test kit.
• If the home utilizes a tankless water heater, it is recommended that a water softener be installed following the the APUN Series Upfl ow Acid Neutralizer
• If the pH is initially over corrected, the inlet bypass can be partially closed to mix untreated water with treated water to achieve the desired level.