
Native Compatibility with 32-Bit Application Code
On other platforms, switching to a 64-bit computer requires migrating to a 64-bit
operating system (and purchasing 64-bit applications) or running a 32-bit operating
system in a slow emulation mode. With the PowerPC G5, the transition to a 64-bit
system is seamless: Current 32-bit code—such as existing Mac OS X and Classic
applications—runs natively at processor speed, with no interruptions to your work-
flow and no additional investment in software.
This easy compatibility is possible because the PowerPC architecture, unlike competing
instruction sets, was designed from the beginning to run both 32-bit and 64-bit appli-
cation code. And because the PowerPC G5 uses the same Velocity Engine instruction
set introduced in the PowerPC G4, applications that have been optimized for Velocity
Engine will immediately run faster on the new processor. What’s more, as applications
are optimized and as Mac OS X is further enhanced for the PowerPC G5, performance
gains will be even greater.
White Paper
PowerPC G5