
1. Enter Your Course Name: The course name you enter here is used in i-grader, HTML reports
and on the Welcome Screen of the i-clicker program. It does not have to match the name of your i-
clicker course folder. (Note: Entering a new course name is not the same as creating new i-clicker
folders for each course or section. Remember that you will need a separate copy of the “MyCoursePC”
folder for each section or course for which you are using i-clicker.)
2. Setting a Frequency Code: The i-clicker 2-way radio frequency student response system
operates on one of 16 channels in the 915 MHz frequency range.
The default frequency channel for both the base and the student remotes is AA. If you are the only
professor using i-clicker at a given time you should not modify this frequency. However, if someone else
is using i-clicker in close proximity, one of you will want to use a different channel (such as AD, as in the
example below). i-clicker has sixteen different frequencies available (AA, AB, AC, AD, BA, BB, BC, BD,
CA, CB, CC, CD, DA, DB, DC, and DD).
If you know you will be using i-clicker near another professor using i-clicker for the entire term, we
recommend you set your default frequency for the entire term. If i-clicker is in use across your institution,
Questions? Contact us at support@iclicker.com or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698.