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You can use this quick setup to get a signal through your Compellor right away. Then.
you’ll want to go on and read through the manual to discover the wealth of information
that is available to you.
Quick Start
1. Make sure there is signal going through the Compellor with Process both “In” and “Out”. If
not, check the input and output wiring. They may be reversed. Be sure to check for the cor-
rect input selection (analog or digital) on the rear panel. Leave Compellor in bypass (Process
“OUT”) until finished with set up.
2.Send a zero VU tone into the
Compellor (at +4dBu or -10dBV depending on your operating level settings). Check to see
the rear panel REF LEVEL switches are set for your operating level. If you do not have a tone
generator, use program material that averages around zero VU in your system.
3. Switch Compellor “Meter Select” to Input. The last red LED should indicate approxi-
mately ‘0’ on the meter. If not, adjust the rear panel REF LEVEL switch to the position which
gives you the closest reading to ‘0’.
4. Set the Process Balance to 12 o’clock.
5. Switch the Meter Select to G.R. (gain reduction). Adjust the Drive control to achieve 12dB
of gain reduction with ‘0’VU input. The last lighted LED shows the total amount of gain reduc-
tion occurring.
6. Set Leveling Speed to Slow if you are controlling full program, Fast if you are controlling
live voice.
7. Set Limiter “On”.
8. Set the Silence Gate to 12 o’clock.
9. Stereo Enhance: If using the Compellor for mono or dual mono operation, switch the
Stereo Enhance to “Off”. If using the Compellor for stereo program, switch the Stereo
Enhance to “In”.
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If using the Compellor for a normal stereo program, switch the Link to “Leveling”. If using
the Compellor for any matrixed stereo program (e.g.- surround encoded), switch the Link to
“Leveling & Compression”.
11. Switch the Meter Select to Output. Adjust the Output control so that the red part of the
level meter indicates 0dB. Switch the Compellor into circuit (Process “In”). The Compellor will
now act as a unity gain device whenever the input level is at zero VU, and make gain correc-
tions for higher and lower incoming levels.
2. Quick Start