Product Environmental Profile - PEP
Schneider Electric Industries SAS
35, rue Joseph Monier
CS 30323
F- 92506 Rueil Malmaison Cedex
RCS Nanterre 954 503 439
Capital social 896 313 776 €
Registration No.: SCHN-2011-570-V0 Writing rules: PCR PEPecopassport 2010 :1.0
Accreditation No. of verifier:: VH05 Programme information: www.pep-ecopassport.org
Date of issue:11-2011 Period of validity: 4 years
Independent verification of the declaration and data, in compliance with ISO 14025:2006
Internal External X
In compliance with the ISO 14025:2006 type III environmental declaration standard.
The critical review of the PCR was conducted by a panel of experts chaired by. J. Chevalier (CSTB).
The information in the present PEP cannot be compared with information from another programme.
APC by Schneider Electric
132 Fairgrounds Road
West Kingston, RI 02892
Phone 800-788-2208
Raw Material Depletion (RMD)
This indicator quantifies the consumption of raw materials during the life cycle of
the product. It is expressed as the fraction of natural resources that disappear each
year, with respect to all the annual reserves of the material.
Energy Depletion (ED)
This indicator gives the quantity of energy consumed, whether it be from fossil,
hydroelectric, nuclear or other sources.
This indicator takes into account the energy from the material produced during
combustion. It is expressed in MJ.
Water Depletion (WD)
This indicator calculates the volume of water consumed, including drinking water
and water from industrial sources. It is expressed in dm
Global Warming (GW)
The global warming of the planet is the result of the increase in
the greenhouse effect due to the sunlight reflected by the earth’s surface being
absorbed by certain gases known as "greenhouse-effect" gases. The effect is
quantified in gram equivalent of CO
Ozone Depletion (OD)
This indicator defines the contribution to the phenomenon of
the disappearance of the stratospheric ozone layer due to the emission
of certain specific gases. The effect is expressed in gram equivalent
of CFC-11.
Air Toxicity (AT)
This indicator represents the air toxicity in a human environment. It takes into
account the usually accepted concentrations for several gases in the air and the
quantity of gas released over the life cycle. The indication given corresponds to the
air volume needed to dilute these gases down to acceptable concentrations.
Photochemical Ozone Creation (POC)
This indicator quantifies the contribution to the "smog" phenomenon
(the photochemical oxidation of certain gases which generates ozone) and is
expressed in gram equivalent of ethylene (C
Air Acidification (AA)
The acid substances present in the atmosphere are carried by rain.
high level of acidity in the rain can cause damage to forests.
The contribution of acidification is calculated using the acidification potentials of the
substances concerned and is expressed in mode equivalent of H
Water Toxicity (WT)
This indicator represents the water toxicity. It takes into account the usually
accepted concentrations for several substances in water and the quantity of
substances released over the life cycle. The indication given corresponds to the
water volume needed to dilute these substances down to acceptable
Hazardous Waste Production (HWP)
This indicator calculates the quantity of specially treated waste created during all
the life cycle phases (manufacturing, distribution and utilization). For example,
special industrial waste in the manufacturing phase, waste associated with the
production of electrical power, etc.
It is expressed in kg.
APC by Schneider Electric has achieved compliance status and the accuracy of data in this PEP document is based on our best knowledge as
of the date of its publication.
For more information please go to: http://www.apc.com/recycle/
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