Model Number Tank Capacity in Gallons (Liters) A - Inches (mm) B - Inches (mm) C - Inches (mm) Inlet/Outlet
DRE/DVE-52 50 (189.3) 55 3/4 (1416) 21 3/4 (552) 27 (685) 1 1/4
DRE/DVE-80 80 (302.8) 60 1/4 (1350) 25 1/2 (648) 31 (787) 1 1/4
DRE/DVE-120 119 (450.5) 62 1/4 (1581) 29 1/2 (749) 35 (889) 1 1/4
This Instruction Manual covers two models of
commercial electric water heaters; DRE models and
DVE models. These two models are equipped from the
factory with different controls.
DRE models are factory equipped with surface mounted
thermostat/ECO combination controls. DVE models are
factory equipped with an electronic control system.
In this Instruction Manual “DRE” models are referred to
as: “Surface Mount Control” models.
In this Instruction Manual “DVE” models are referred to
as: “Electronic Control” models.
Temperature Rise °F
KW Input
Hour 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° 110° 120° 130° 140°
6 20,478 82 62 49 41 35 31 27 25 22 21 19 18
9 30,717 123 92 74 62 53 46 41 37 34 31 28 26
12 40,956 164 123 98 82 70 61 55 49 45 41 38 35
13.5 46,075 184 138 111 92 79 69 62 55 50 46 43 40
15 51,195 205 154 123 102 88 77 68 61 56 51 47 44
18 61,434 246 184 148 123 105 92 82 74 67 61 57 53
24 81,912 328 246 197 164 140 123 109 98 89 82 76 70
27 92,151 369 276 221 184 158 138 123 111 101 92 85 79
30 102,390 410 307 246 205 176 154 137 123 112 102 95 88
36 122,868 492 369 295 246 211 184 164 148 134 123 113 105
40.5 138,226 554 418 3332 277 237 208 1185 166 151 138 128 119
45 153,585 615 461 369 307 263 230 205 184 168 154 142 132
54 184,302 738 553 443 369 316 277 246 221 201 184 170 158
*Figured at 1 KW (3413 Btu) = 4.1 gallons at 100°F temperature rise.
To determine recovery rate per minute, divide recovery rate per hour by 60.