One or more of the following patents may apply:
Other patents, U.S. and International pending.
The following are trademarks of Anton/Bauer, Inc.:
ACS, ADM, Anton/Bauer, Anton/Bauer logo and parallelogram design, Aspekt, Automatique,
ComPac, DataLink, DataTap, Dionic, Gold Mount, HyTRON, Impac, InterActive, InterActive 2000
logo, LifeSaver, Logic Series, Logic Series Logo, Maxx man logo design, MircoCode, Nexus,
PowerCharger, PowerStrap, Powertap, Probe, Proformer, ProPac, RealTime, SSP, Satellight, Snap-
On, Snap-On 2, Stasis, Titan, Triconn, TrimPac, Ultrakit, Ultralight, “The quality standard of the
video industry” and “The worldwide standard”.
7595-0132 Rev F
The worldwide standard
The EPA certified RBRC
Battery Recycling Seal on the nickel-cadmiu
(Ni-Cd) battery indicates Anton/Bauer is voluntarily participating in an
industry program to collect and recycle these batteries at the end of thei
useful life, when taken out of service in the United States or Canada. The
program provides a convenient alternative to placing used Ni-C
batteries into the trash or the municipal waste stream, which may be
illegal in your area. Please call 1-800-8-BATTERY™ for information on
i-Cd battery recycling and disposal bans/restrictions in your area.
Anton/Bauer’s involvement in this program is part of our commitment to
preserving our environment and conserving our natural resources.
For recycling information outside the United States and Canada, contact Anton/Bauer.
Anton/Bauer, Inc. Anton/Bauer Europe, B.V.
World Headquarters Eurode Business Center, Eurode - Park 1
14 Progress Drive, Shelton, CT U.S.A. 6461KB Kerkrade, The Netherlands
Tel (203) 929-1100 or (800) 541-1667 Tel +31 45-563-9220
Fax (203) 929-9935 Fax +31 45-563-9222
support@antonbauer.com eurosupport@antonbauer.com