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8. Gold Mount Interface - The solid metal “H” design mounting studs
assure a smooth, precise mounting for the life of the battery. The
Logic Series connector assembly features multiple gold plated, self
aligning contacts and is compatible with all existing Anton/Bauer
camera mounts and accessories.
9. Individual Computer Testing
- Like all professional Anton/Bauer
batteries, the Logic Series DIGITAL battery has been individually
computer tested. For assurance of optimum capacity, voltage and
overall quality, a computer print-out is enclosed.
Virtually all cameras/camcorders will indicate a low voltage warning or
cease to operate at about 11 volts. Unfortunately, a 12 volt battery must
be discharged to 10 volts for full discharge. Thus, a camera/camcorder
operating on a 12 volt NiCad will always cease to operate before fully
discharging the battery, leaving 50% of the total capacity unused under
certain conditions. The amount of this wasted capacity can vary each day
depending on temperature, etc., thus creating what appears to be totally
inconsistent performance.
The Logic Series DIGITAL battery, like all professional Anton/Bauer
camera batteries, are designed in a 14.4 volt configuration with full
discharge rating of 12 volts. Thus, the Logic Series DIGITAL battery
will always deliver 100% capacity before the equipment ever reaches its
cutoff point. Moreover, this dependability is not effected by temperature,
memory, age or any of the other factors that can cripple a 12 volt battery.