Priority Battery Function
A unique operating feature of all PowerChargers allows the operator to select any
battery on any charge position as a PRIORITY BATTERY. While connecting a battery
to any charge position, hold the DISPLAY button until an audible indication sounds and
the LCD indicates:
The PowerCharger will interrupt the charging of any other battery and address the
Priority Battery immediately (assuming it is within a safe charging parameters). When
priority charging is complete, the charger will return to addressing the other batteries on
the charger.
NOTE: This function is unavailable if the AUTOCAL mode has been requested
by the charger.
(standard on Model QUAD 2702)
The DDM is a modular addition which will upgrade any InterActive 2000
PowerCharger to a complete battery management system. A standard feature with the
QUAD 2702, the DDM can be easily added to any model PowerCharger, at any time.
With this module installed, the PowerCharger becomes a complete battery
management system, capable of testing battery capacity and identifying battery
anomalies before they appear in the field.
The DDM will perform a standard
or a 24 hour test. The standard test is a full
charge-discharge-full charge routine, which will identify the capacity of the battery
and indicate any performance issues, such as low battery voltage indicating a shorted
cell. The 24 hour test
is a full charge-wait 24 hours-discharge-full charge routine
which will identify any excessive self-discharge or serious cell imbalance condition.
Test time will vary with battery condition and watt hour rating. The standard test will
require a minimum of 6 hours to a maximum of about 12 hours. The 24 hour test will
require an additional 24 hours as the battery undergoes a 24 hour rest time to identify
self-discharge anomalies. It is recommended that the 24 hour test be performed only on
weekends or when the battery is not scheduled to be used for 2-3 days.