
De-esser Release
200 ms
The Release Time control adjusts the time it takes the
compressor element’s gain to increase 6 dB after the
signal coming from the highpass filter drops below the
threshold. The range of the control is from 20 milliseconds
to 2550 milliseconds. (The default setting is 120
High Pass Frequency Page
Pressing the HI-PASS button brings up this page:
De-esser Highpass
Frequency: 5402 Hz
The de-esser can be viewed as a compressor which
is keyed by the output of a high pass filter. When the
filter passes a signal whose level is higher than the
compressor’s threshold, the compressor clamps down on
the signal. Since sibilants are primarily broad band noise
above 5 kHz, the filter is designed to pass these signals
and attenuate low frequency signals as much as possible.
The filter used in TA-1VP’s de-esser is a two pole, 12 dB/
octave high pass design which effectively distinguishes
between sibilants and other vocal sounds. The range of
the control is from 2971 Hz to 20 kHz. (The default setting
is 5497 Hz.)
De-esser Gain Reduction Meter Page
DeS:-20 -12 -6 -3 0
Pressing the DE-ESS button while the De-esser page is
displayed will display this high resolution gain reduction
meter. The meter displays the amount of de-essing of
the signal. If the frequency and threshold controls are set
properly, the meter will display little gain reduction during
vowel sounds and soft consonants, and substantial gain
reduction during sibilants. Pressing the DE-ESS button
again will return to the De-esser page.
Gain Reduction Meter
The front panel de-esser GAIN REDUCTION meter is
intended to provide a quick indication of de-esser activity.
For precise gain reduction indication, refer to the De-esser
Gain Reduction Meter Page described above. The range of
the meter is 15 dB.
De-esser ON Button
When this button is lit, the De-esser module is active.
When it is not lit, the module is bypassed. Pressing the
button toggles its state. The De-esser On/Off function can
also be controlled by MIDI and/or by a footswitch.
EQ #1 Page
Pressing the EQ BAND 1 button brings up this page:
EQ1 Peaking
f: 7725 Q:2.4 Gn:+12
This page allows you to select the type and set the
parameters of the first of the TA-1VP’s two bands of
parametric equalization. Use the Data Knob to select
the type of equalization (default setting is High Shelf)
and then use the cursor buttons to move to the various
parameters available for that type.
The equalization types and their associated parameters
are as follows:
EQ Off
EQ1 (off)
No equalization applied.
Low Shelf Filter
EQ1 Low Shelf
f: 1000 S:1.0 Gn: +6
The Low Shelf filter can be thought of as the world’s
most flexible version of the venerable “Bass” tone control
familiar to users of radios, home stereos and boom boxes.
The Low Shelf filter boosts or cuts all frequencies below
cutoff frequency “f” by the Gain (“Gn”) amount (in dB).
Additionally, you can vary the slope (“S”) of the shelf from
2 dB/octave (S=0.3) to 12 dB/octave (S=2.0).
High Shelf Filter
EQ1 High Shelf
f:11039 S:1.5 Gn: +4
The High Shelf filter can be thought of as the world’s most
flexible version of the venerable “Treble” tone control
familiar to users of radios, home stereos and boom boxes.
The High Shelf filter boosts or cuts all frequencies above
cutoff frequency “f” by the Gain (“Gn”) amount (in dB).
Additionally, you can vary the slope (“S”) of the shelf from
2 dB/octave (S=0.3) to 12 dB/octave (S=2.0).
5 – Operation