
User's Guide
D-14 Code Sets
Table D-3. AMT and Diablo 630 Escape Sequences––continued
Function ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Description
Text Functions––continued
Download font coding ........ ESC @ D 1B 40 44 27 64 68 This sequence downloads a font to the printer. Variable a1
a1 a2 n1 n2 a1 a2 n1 n2 a1 a2 n1 n2 is the number assigned to the font. The Set Font escape
coding coding coding sequence uses this number to identify and select the font.
Normally, the first font downloaded is assigned 255 (FF
hex), the second font downloaded is assigned 254 (FE hex),
and so on. Variable a2 must always be 00 hex. Variable
n2 and n1 are a 16-bit number that specifies the number of
bytes in the font coding. Variable n2 is the high-order byte;
n1 is the low-order byte. The font coding must conform to
a prescribed binary coding format.
Note: For more detailed information on this escape se-
quence, refer to AMT Technical Notes––Downloading
Fonts, available separately from AMT.
Print character assigned ... ESC Y 1B 59 27 89 This sequence prints the character assigned to code 20 hex,
to code 20 hex which the printer normally interprets as a space.
Print character assigned ... ESC Z 1B 5A 27 90 This sequence prints the character assigned to code 7F hex,
to code 7F hex which the printer normally ignores.
Start print suppression ..... ESC 7 1B 37 27 55 This sequence starts the print supression mode, wherein the
printer replaces all printable characters with spaces. A
carriage return ends the print suppression mode.
Set language ....................... ESC @ G n 1B 40 47 n 27 64 71 n This sequence selects a language for the printer to use
English (US) ................... ESC @ G NUL 1B 40 47 00 27 64 71 0 while printing text. The language settings causes the
French ............................ ESC @ G SOH 1B 40 47 01 27 64 71 1 printer to replace some of the standard characters with
German ........................... ESC @ G STX 1B 40 47 02 27 64 71 2 alternate characters that are used in a specific language.
English (UK) .................. ESC @ G ETX 1B 40 47 03 27 64 71 3 The character replacements are shown in the Control
Danish I .......................... ESC @ G EOT 1B 40 47 04 27 64 71 4 Panel section of this guide, under the Set Language
Swedish .......................... ESC @ G ENQ 1B 40 47 05 27 64 71 5 heading.
Italian ............................. ESC @ G ACK 1B 40 47 06 27 64 71 6
Spanish I ........................ ESC @ G BEL 1B 40 47 07 27 64 71 7 Note: This sequence applies only to fonts with inter-
Japanese ......................... ESC @ G BS 1B 40 47 08 27 64 71 8 national characters.
Norwegian ...................... ESC @ G HT 1B 40 47 09 27 64 71 9
Danish II ........................ ESC @ G LF 1B 40 47 0A 27 64 71 10
Spanish II ....................... ESC @ G VT 1B 40 47 0B 27 64 71 11
Portuguese ...................... ESC @ G FF 1B 40 47 0C 27 64 71 12
Backward printing These sequences control backward printing, wherein the
Start ................................ ESC 6 1B 36 27 54 printer reverses the direction of normal spacing, back-
End ................................. ESC 5 1B 35 27 53 spacing, and character escapement. A space moves the
current print position one space to the left, a backspace
moves the current print position to the right, and character
escapement is to the left. Backward printing does not affect
horizontal tabbing or absolute moves, carriage returns, or
paper movement functions. A carriage return or End
Backward Printing sequence ends backward printing.
User's Guide
D-14 Code Sets
Table D-3. AMT and Diablo 630 Escape Sequences––continued
Function ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Description
Text Functions––continued
Download font coding ........ ESC @ D 1B 40 44 27 64 68 This sequence downloads a font to the printer. Variable a1
a1 a2 n1 n2 a1 a2 n1 n2 a1 a2 n1 n2 is the number assigned to the font. The Set Font escape
coding coding coding sequence uses this number to identify and select the font.
Normally, the first font downloaded is assigned 255 (FF
hex), the second font downloaded is assigned 254 (FE hex),
and so on. Variable a2 must always be 00 hex. Variable
n2 and n1 are a 16-bit number that specifies the number of
bytes in the font coding. Variable n2 is the high-order byte;
n1 is the low-order byte. The font coding must conform to
a prescribed binary coding format.
Note: For more detailed information on this escape se-
quence, refer to AMT Technical Notes––Downloading
Fonts, available separately from AMT.
Print character assigned ... ESC Y 1B 59 27 89 This sequence prints the character assigned to code 20 hex,
to code 20 hex which the printer normally interprets as a space.
Print character assigned ... ESC Z 1B 5A 27 90 This sequence prints the character assigned to code 7F hex,
to code 7F hex which the printer normally ignores.
Start print suppression ..... ESC 7 1B 37 27 55 This sequence starts the print supression mode, wherein the
printer replaces all printable characters with spaces. A
carriage return ends the print suppression mode.
Set language ....................... ESC @ G n 1B 40 47 n 27 64 71 n This sequence selects a language for the printer to use
English (US) ................... ESC @ G NUL 1B 40 47 00 27 64 71 0 while printing text. The language settings causes the
French ............................ ESC @ G SOH 1B 40 47 01 27 64 71 1 printer to replace some of the standard characters with
German ........................... ESC @ G STX 1B 40 47 02 27 64 71 2 alternate characters that are used in a specific language.
English (UK) .................. ESC @ G ETX 1B 40 47 03 27 64 71 3 The character replacements are shown in the Control
Danish I .......................... ESC @ G EOT 1B 40 47 04 27 64 71 4 Panel section of this guide, under the Set Language
Swedish .......................... ESC @ G ENQ 1B 40 47 05 27 64 71 5 heading.
Italian ............................. ESC @ G ACK 1B 40 47 06 27 64 71 6
Spanish I ........................ ESC @ G BEL 1B 40 47 07 27 64 71 7 Note: This sequence applies only to fonts with inter-
Japanese ......................... ESC @ G BS 1B 40 47 08 27 64 71 8 national characters.
Norwegian ...................... ESC @ G HT 1B 40 47 09 27 64 71 9
Danish II ........................ ESC @ G LF 1B 40 47 0A 27 64 71 10
Spanish II ....................... ESC @ G VT 1B 40 47 0B 27 64 71 11
Portuguese ...................... ESC @ G FF 1B 40 47 0C 27 64 71 12
Backward printing These sequences control backward printing, wherein the
Start ................................ ESC 6 1B 36 27 54 printer reverses the direction of normal spacing, back-
End ................................. ESC 5 1B 35 27 53 spacing, and character escapement. A space moves the
current print position one space to the left, a backspace
moves the current print position to the right, and character
escapement is to the left. Backward printing does not affect
horizontal tabbing or absolute moves, carriage returns, or
paper movement functions. A carriage return or End
Backward Printing sequence ends backward printing.