This knob is used to adjust the low frequency levels of a channel
allowing for a maximum bass gain of +6dB or maximum signal decrease of -100dB. Turning the knob
in a counter-clockwise direction will decrease the amount of bass applied to a channel signal, turning
the knob in a clockwise direction will increase the amount of bass applied to a channel signal.
These buttons are used to activate a channels “CUE” mode. The CUE LED will glow
when a channels cue mode is activated. The Cue function sends a channels incoming signal to the
headphones. The cue level is adjusted by the
The MIDILOG™ cue button has a additional function. During power-on, hold this button down to toggle
the post EQ mode on and off. For more on this please refer to the Virtual DJ Setup near the end of this manual.
These faders are used to control the output signal of any source assigned to its
particular player.
This will function as a normal mouse pad on laptop would function. The LOAD but-
tons underneath are the left and right click buttons. When any of the SHIFT buttons are active (LED lit)
the mouse pad is disabled and is able to send MIDI messages. Adjustments to the mouse pad can be
made in the Control Panel (PC) or Utilities (Mac).
This knob is used to control the master output level. To avoid dis-
torted output try to maintain an average output signal level no greater than +4dB. To avoid speaker
damage that may be caused by excessive volume, be sure this knob is always set to zero (completely
down) before turning the unit on.
This knob is used to control the pan, adjust how much
of the signal is sent to the left and right output level. For true stereo imaging, maintain the knob in the
12 o’ clock position.
This knob is used to adjusts the monitor volume output level. Turn the knob in a
clockwise direction to increase the monitor volume.
The LED indicators that run along each channels
EQ section are used to measure incoming signal levels. Use these indicator to visually maintain an
average signal output of +4dB. A consistent average output level of +4dB will produce a clean output
signal. When no CUE sources are selected, these indicate the volume level on the MASTER OUTPUT.
When one or more CUE sources are selected, these indicate the volume level on all of the CUE sources
combined. At power-on, these indicate the VMS4 rmware version. If the left side lights up 1 LED, and
the right side lights up 3 LEDs, the rmare version is 1.3.
This fader is used to blend the output signals of channels A and B together. When
the fader is in the full left position (channel A), the output signal of channel A will be controlled by the
master volume level. The same fundamentals will apply for channel B. Sliding the fader from one posi-
tion to another will vary the output signals of channels A and B respectively. When the crossfader is
set in the center position, the output signals of both the channels A and channels B will be even.
The touch strips are user assingnable to numerous actions, e.g. effects control,
song scrolling, browser scroll, etc.
This search button allows you to quickly scan backwards through a track.
This search button allows you to quickly scan forwards through a track.
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