
19. Stylus Headshell - The included headshell is used to connect your stylus
with the tone arm.
20. Headshell Locking Nut - After attaching the headshell to the tonearm, this
locking nut will securely hold the headshell to the
21. S-Shaped Tone Arm - The tonearm is the mechanism that holds the head-
shell and stylus allowing it to glide across a record.
22. Tonearm Lift Adjust Screw - This screw is used to adjust the clearance between
the stylus and a record. The stylus clearance is set
at the factory to be between 8~13mm. Adjustments to
the tonearm clearance should only be made if
23. Tonearm Assembly Height Control - This adjustment is used to control the overall height
of the tonearm assembly. The tonearm should always
be perfectly parallel to the platter.
24. Tonearm Clamp and Rest - Use this rest to safely hold the tonearm in position
during non use and transportation.
25. Tonearm Lever - This lever is used to safely elevates the tone arm
above a record surface without endangering a
records surface.
26. Anti-Skate Control - The anti-skate applies inward force to the tonearm to
prevent outward skipping across the record due to the
centrifugal force cause by platter rotation. The anti-
skate value should be equally to that of the stylus
counterweight pressure (see counterweight 27).
27. Counterweight - The counterweight adjustment applies the proper
downward pressure on the stylus.
19 21 22 23 24 25 26 2720
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