488 AMD Geode™ LX Processors Data Book
Video Input Port Register Descriptions
6.10.2 VIP Control/Configuration Registers VIP Control Register 1 (VIP_CTL_REG1)
VIP Memory Offset 00h
Typ e R /W
Reset Value 42000001h
VIP_CTL_REG1 Register Map
VIP_CTL_REG1 Bit Descriptions
Bit Name Description
31:29 ANC_FF Ancillary FIFO Flush. Watermark level for flushing the 64-deep ancillary FIFO. This
value determines how full the ancillary FIFO is before VIP starts writing QWORDs to sys-
tem memory. If the FIFO has greater than 4 QWORDs and the address is aligned, VIP
generates a burst (4 QWORDs) transaction.This value is reset to 2 (flush when 17
0: Flush when there is at least 1 QWORD.
1: Flush when there are at least 9 QWORDs.
2: Flush when there are at least 17 QWORDs. (Default)
n: Flush when there are at least nx8 +1 QWORDs (up to n = 7x8 +1 = 57).
(ANC FIFO size is 64 QWORDs).
28:24 VID_FF Video FIFO Flush. Watermark level for flushing the 64-deep (planar mode) or 192-deep
(linear mode) FIFO(s). This value determines how full the ancillary FIFO is before VIP
starts writing QWORDs to system memory. If the FIFO has greater than 4 QWORDs and
the address is aligned, VIP generates a burst (4 QWORDs) transaction. This value is
reset to 2 (flush when 17 QWORDs).
0: Flush when there is at least 1 QWORD.
1: Flush when there are at least 9 QWORDs.
2: Flush when there are at least 17 QWORDs. (Default)
n: Flush when there are at least nx8+1 QWORDs).
(FIFO size is 192 QWORDs in Linear mode, maximum value is 17H/23d).
(FIFO size is 64 QWORDs in Planar mode, maximum value is 7).
23:20 ERR_DETECT Video Detection Enable. Selects what detection circuitry is used to detect loss of valid
video input. When an error is detected, the video_ok output is set low. The associated
interrupt pending bit must be cleared to allow the video_ok signal to return high.
Bit 23: Runaway Line Error Abort (aborts line if a line is detected longer then 3000
Bit 22: Vertical Timing error (Vertical Count Register must be programmed) or address-
ing error (max_addr reg must be programmed).
Bit 21: Number of clocks per active line error (checks that each line has the same # of
Bit 20: Loss of VIP clock (watchdog timer using GLIU clocks --128 GLIU clocks).