GA-M55S-S3 Motherboard - 38 -
Onboard 1394
Enabled Enable onboard IEEE1394 function. (Default value)
Disabled Disable onboard IEEE1394 function.
Onboard LAN Boot ROM
This function decide whether to invoke the boot ROM of the onboard LAN chip.
Enabled Enable this function.
Disabled Disable this function. (Default value)
Onboard Serial Port 1
Auto BIOS will automatically setup the port 1 address.
3F8/IRQ4 Enable onboard Serial port 1 and address is 3F8/IRQ4. (Default value)
2F8/IRQ3 Enable onboard Serial port 1 and address is 2F8/IRQ3.
3E8/IRQ4 Enable onboard Serial port 1 and address is 3E8/IRQ4.
2E8/IRQ3 Enable onboard Serial port 1 and address is 2E8/IRQ3.
Disabled Disable onboard Serial port 1.
Onboard Parallel Port
Disabled Disable onboard LPT port.
378/IRQ7 Enable onboard LPT port and address is 378/IRQ7. (Default value)
278/IRQ5 Enable onboard LPT port and address is 278/IRQ5.
3BC/IRQ7 Enable onboard LPT port and address is 3BC/IRQ7.
Parallel Port Mode
SPP Using Parallel port as Standard Parallel Port. (Default value)
EPP Using Parallel port as Enhanced Parallel Port.
ECP Using Parallel port as Extended Capabilities Port.
ECP+EPP Using Parallel port as ECP and EPP mode.
When LAN Cable Is Functioning Normally...
1. If no cable problem is detected on the LAN cable connected to a Gigabit hub, the Status fields
of Pair 1-2, Pair 3-6, Pair 4-5, and Pair 7-8 will show Normal and the Length fields will show
N/A, as shown in the figure above.
2. If no cable problem is detected on the LAN cable connected to a 10/100 Mbps hub, the Status
fields of Pair 1-2 and Pair 3-6 will show Normal and the Length fields will show N/A.
However, because Pair 4-5 and Pair 7-8 are not used in a 10/100 Mbps environment, their
Status fields will show Short or Open, and the length shown is the approximate length of the
attached LAN cable.
When a Cable Problem Occurs...
If a cable problem occurs on a specified pair of wires, the Status field will show Short or Open
and the length shown will be the approximate distance to the fault or short.
For example, if it shows Pair1-2 Status = Short / Length = 1.6m,
it means that a fault or short might occur at about 1.6m on Pair 1-2.
When No LAN Cable Is Attached...
If no LAN cable is attached to the motherboard, the Status fields of all four pairs of wires will show
Open and the Length fields show 0.0m.