Appendix- 51 -
Chapter 4 Appendix
4-1 Unique Software Utilities
M.I.T. (Motherboard Intelligent Tweaker)
Motherboard Intelligent Tweaker (M.I.T.) allows user to access and change BIOS feature
settings with relative speed and ease. Through GIGABYTE M.I.T. feature the user is no longer
required to switch into different modes within BIOS setup in order to change system settings
such as the CPU system bus, memory timings or to enabled Gigabyte's unique
C.I.A. 2 and M.I.B. 2 features. M.I.T.'s integration of all platform performance settings into a
single mode now gives any user the ability to control and enhance their computer system to
the desired level.
C.I.A.2 (CPU Intelligent Accelerator 2)
GIGABYTE CPU Intelligent Accelerator 2(C.I.A. 2) is designed to automatically adjust CPU
computing power to maximize system performance. When enabled, the program detects the
current CPU loading and automatically accelerates the CPU computing performance to allow
for a faster and smoother execution of programs. When the function is disabled, the CPU is
returned to its initial status.
M.I.B.2 (Memory Intelligent Booster 2)
Built on the original M.I.B., the new Memory Intelligent Booster 2 (M.I.B. 2) is designed espe-
cially to maximize memory performance and boost memory bandwidth up to 10%. With added
branded memory module information, users are able to optimize memory
performance by selecting from a recommended memory module list.
S.O.S. (System Overclock Saver)
System Overclock Saver (S.O.S.) is a unique feature that eliminates system boot-up errors
resulting from system over-enhancement by the user. With GIGABYTE's proprietary
S.O.S. feature, users no longer need to open up the PC chassis and short-circuit the "Clear
CMOS" pins or the battery on the motherboard to reset the system back to factory default
settings. Instead, S.O.S. automatically resets the overclocked system settings back to their
factory defaults to provide a more user-friendly and reliable platform for users.
Download Center
Download Center allows users to quickly download and update their BIOS as well as the latest
drivers for their system. Download Center automatically runs a system check of the user PC
and provides the user with the current system information as well as displaying a detailed list
of all new drivers with the option for download.
C.O.M. (Corporate Online Management)
A web-based system management tool that allows system hardware information such as CPU,
memory, graphics card, etc. to be monitored and controlled via the Internet, C.O.M. allows
corporate MIS engineers to easily maintain corporate computers such as providing the most
up-to-date drivers and BIOS. (Do not use C.O.M. and @BIOS at the same time.)
U-PLUS D.P.S. (Universal Plus Dual Power System)
The U-Plus Dual Power System (U-Plus DPS) is a revolutionary eight-phase power circuit built
for ultimate system protection. Designed to withstand varying current levels and changes, the
U-Plus D.P.S. provides an immensely durable and stable power circuit to the CPU for solid
system stability. These characteristics make it the ideal companion with the latest LGA775
4 Processor as well as future Intel
processors. As well, 4 blue LED's are
mounted on the U-Plus D.P.S. for intelligent indication of system loading.
(Not all model support these Unique Software Utilities, please check your MB features.)