BIOS Setup
AN9 32X 3-15
3.4 Advanced Chipset Features
Phoenix – Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility
Advanced Chipset Features
K8<->NB HT Speed Auto Item Help
K8<->NB HT Width Auto
NB-->SB HT Speed Auto
NB<->SB HT Width Auto
PCI Express bus(SB) Hyperclk GPU
NB<->SB Reference clock Auto
PCI Express bus(NB) Hyperclk GPU
► DRAM Configuration Press Enter
SSE/SSE2 Instructions Enable
System BIOS Cacheable Enable
NVIDIA GPU Ex Disabled
:Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F5: Previous Values F6: Fail-Safe Defaults F7: Optimized Defaults
K8<->NB HT Speed:
This item selects the LDT Bus Frequency between CPU and NB.
K8<->NB HT Width:
This item selects the LDT Bus Width between CPU and NB.
NB-->SB HT Speed:
This item selects NB to SB LDT Bus Frequency.
NB<->SB HT Width:
This item selects the LDT Bus Width between NB and SB.
PCI Express bus(SB)
This item adjusts the bus clock for “PCIEXP2” slot.
NB<->SB Reference clock
This item adjusts the bus clock between NB and SB.
PCI Express bus(NB)
This item adjusts the bus clock for “PCIEXP1” slot.