GA-M61P-S3 Motherboard - 38 -
SMART LAN (LAN Cable Diagnostic Function)
This motherboard incorporates cable diagnostic feature designed to detect the status of the attached LAN
cable. This feature will detect cabling issue and report the approximate distance to the fault or short.
Refer to the following information for diagnosing your LAN cable:
CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2006 Award Software
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Start detecting at Port.....
Pair1-2 Status = Open / Length = 0.0m
Pair3-6 Status = Open / Length = 0.0m
Pair4-5 Status = Open / Length = 0.0m
Pair7-8 Status = Open / Length = 0.0m
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When No LAN Cable Is Attached...
If no LAN cable is attached to the motherboard, the Status fields of all four pairs of wires will show
Open and the Length fields show 0.0m, as shown in the figure above.
When LAN Cable Is Functioning Normally...
If no cable problem is detected on the LAN cable connected to a Gigabit hub or a 10/100 Mbps hub,
the following message will appear:
Link Detected Displays transmission speed
Cable Length Displays the approximate length of the attached LAN cable
Note: The Gigabit hub will only operate at a speed of 10/100 Mbps in MS-DOS mode; it will operate
at a normal speed of 10/100/1000 Mbps in Windows mode or when the LAN Boot ROM is
When a Cable Problem Occurs...
If a cable problem occurs on a specified pair of wires, the Status field will show Short and the
length shown will be the approximate distance to the fault or short.
Example: Pair1-2 Status = Short / Length = 1.6m
Explanation: A fault or short might occur at about 1.6m on Pair 1-2.
Note: Pair 4-5 and Pair 7-8 are not used in a 10/100 Mbps environment, their Status fields will
show Open, and the length shown is the approximate length of the attachedLAN cable.
Start detecting at Port.....
Link Detected --> 100Mbps
Cable Length= 30m