6 To determine the manufacturer, click the [AGP device name] > Driver >
Driver Details:
Reinstalling Drivers
You can install new drivers or reinstall existing drivers if there was a
Windows® conflict.
Note: To ensure you have access to all the new features and performance
options, download the latest driver from
Reinstall the drivers at any time using the ATISETUP utility located on the
ATI installation CD. The ATISETUP utility usually starts automatically when
you insert the ATI installation CD into your computer after the operating
system has started.
Note: Remove old graphics drivers before reinstalling the driver.
Manually reinstall drivers
If CD auto-run is not enabled and the ATISETUP utility does not start
automatically, follow these steps.
1 Double-click the CD, double-click ATISETUP, and then click OK.
2 Follow the on-screen instructions and then choose either Express or
Custom Install.
Note: Not all software components are installed using the Express
installation; only the driver and ATI Catalyst™ Control Center are
installed. Custom installation allows you to select individual software
components for installation, such as HydraVision™ and the Avivo™
Video Converter.
Sample Motherboard/Chipset Manufacturers
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) www.amd.com
VIA Technologies www.viaarena.com
Acer Laboratories (ALI) www.ali.com.tw
Silicon Integrated Systems (SIS) www.sis.com
Intel Technologies support.intel.com
General Motherboard/chipset