Model AEZ8590 (8581)
A two-wire, single phase, A.C. 120/240 volt (120 volt for Model
AEZ8581) 60 cycle electrical system (properly circuit protected to
meet Local Codes of ANSI/NFPA No. 70) must be provided. Unit
must be properly grounded in accordance with local wiring code.
The supply ground wire should be connected to the green
grounding screw on the power block grounding tab. There is no
neutral wire on the AEZ8590. Recommended minimum wire size
is 12 AWG.
Do not over-tighten the hold down adjusting screw. Damage
to the glass cooktop will occur if excessive pressure is used.
Secure the unit to the countertop using only the hold down
bracket and adjusting screw provided, do not use any other
means to secure the unit.
adjusting screws
foam tape
• Place the unit in the cutout.
• Remove screws from bottom of cooktop and install brackets to
the bottom of the unit.
• Secure the cooktop to the countertop by tightening the adjusting
screws until finger tight.
• Check that the power supply is OFF.
• Make electrical connection to the unit.
• Consult local codes for proper power hookup.
• The supply voltage may be varied according to the rating plate
(located on the bottom of the unit).
Do not use the junction box for additional wiring connections.
Do not remove the center terminal ground wire from the unit.
Turn off power supply when making electrical connections.
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Cookware retention devices must be installed and used
properly to minimize the potential for spills and burns.
Extreme caution should be exercised when cooking in a
moving boat or vehicle.
Marine and RV Installation
Utensil Retention Device:
This unit does not include sea rails or other devices to stabilize
or secure cooking pots or utensils. Pot retention devices must be
used to secure items to the cooktop.
• Restore the power supply and test to insure control knobs
operate all elements properly.
The installation of a cooktop designed for mobile home installation must conform with the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standard, Title 24 CFR, Part 3280 (formerly the Federal Standard for Mobile Home
Construction and Safety
, Title 24 HUD, Part 280) or, when such standard is not applicable, the Standard for Manufactured Home Installations ANSI A225.1/NFPA501A, or with local codes. In Canada the range must be installed in
accordance with the current CSA Standard C22.1 - Canadian Electrical Code Part1.
Marine Wiring:
In marine applications, ABYC 826, E-11, AC&DC Electrical
Systems, should govern cooktop installation.
You must provide an adequate electrical supply system as
required for your cooktop. All wire connections must be in
accordance with local codes and properly insulated. Check with
local utility for governing electrical codes and ordinances. In the
absence of local electrical codes, the National Electrical Code
(NEC), ANSI/NFPA No. 70-latest edition, governing electric range
installations must be followed. A copy of the National Electrical
Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70-latest edition can be obtained by
writing to:
National Fire Protection Association
Batterymarch Park
Quincy, MA 02269
NOTE: Foam tape is supplied with the unit. If desired, apply
the foam tape around the bottom outside edge of the glass
before installing unit.
Model AEZ8590
(240 Volt, 13.3 Amps)
Model AEZ8581
(120 Volt, 20 Amps)
This unit is supplied with an electrical junction box on a 48" long,
1/2" (1.3 cm) I.D. flexible conduit. The junction box is designed to
be attached to a solid mounting surface in the area below the
cooktop. Connect all supply wires to the power block with
approved connectors. Bare wires can be attached using the
supplied bare wire adapter lugs. All connections should be
torqued to 20 in-lb.