
5.0 Self-priming
The ALTO Professional Series high pressure washers are self-priming from as much as 3 feet above a
water supply source which is not pressurized (such as a tank). Water temperatures above 50°F. will limit
NOTE: Self-priming accelerates wear and tear on the pump and should only be used if necessary.
It is important to provide adequate filtration when operating from alternative water supplies such as
streams, tanks, etc. Your Distributor can assist you in providing this protection.
6.0 Maintenance
This ALTO high pressure washer is Maintenance-Free! You can, however, contribute to the machines
reliability and help prevent problems by following this advice:
The water supply hose should be flushed before connecting it to the machine.
Before attaching the spray lance or any other accessory on the spray handle, the machine
should be started and the coupling rinsed.
When detergents will not be used for an extended period, flush the detergent injection system
by injecting clean water to prevent clogging of injection system.
The water inlet screen should be cleaned once a month, or more frequently according to use.
The machine should be stored in a frost-free area. If the machine freezes, it must not be started
in that condition. Let the machine, hoses and accessories thaw out before starting.
6.1 Clearing the high pressure nozzle
An obstructed nozzle causes excessive pump pressure and/or pulsation, Should this occur, clearing is
required immediately.
1. Stop the machine and disconnect the spray lance.
2. Using a thin wire or paper clip, clear the nozzle.
IMPORTANT: This must only be done with the spray lance detached!
3. Backflush the spray lance with water.
4. If the pressure remains too high, repeat items 1-3.
6.2 Cleaning inlet water screen
Clean the inlet water screen (1) regularly (once a month or
more frequently depending on water quality).
Remove the inlet quick-connector. Carefully remove the
retaining ring (2) with a screwdriver and remove the screen.
Clean the screen thoroughly and reinstall in the reverse order
before using the machine again.
6.3 Cleaning the cabinet air vents
The machine should be kept clean so cooling air can pass
freely through the cabinet air vents (3). Do not spray water
through these vents!