
9. [InO*]
This command connects one input to all outputs.
Command Format: [InO*]
n = Input No. (m = # from 1 to 8)
Connect Input 1 to all outputs by sending [I1O*].
Input 1 is then connected to Outputs 1A, 1B, 2A,
and 2B.
10. […P]
This command sets the path for switching the
outputs, but it is not active until the switch
command, [SW], is executed. Switching
commands ending in "P" are not executed
immediately. The path for outputs on multiple
units or the same unit can be preloaded.
See the example for the [SW] command that
11. [SW]
This command immediately connects inputs and
outputs previously set with the PATH command.
The command switches all paths set on one or
more units on the RS-232 bus.
[I1O1AP] Nothing is physically switched.
[I2O1BP] Nothing is physically switched.
[SW] Inputs 1 & 2 are switched
12. [AUTO*]
This command enables auto-switching to all
outputs. The UT250-101 automatically connects
the lowest numbered input with an active video
signal to all outputs: 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B.
Auto-switching is automatically disabled when
an input is received on the Output Select Control
Send the command [AUTO*] to the UT250-101.
If a video input signal is connected to any of the
inputs, that signal will be connected to all the
outputs. A valid video signal on Input 1 takes
precedence over Input 2, Input 2 over Input 3,
and so on.
13. [AUTO0]
This command disables auto-switching.
Disable auto-switching mode by sending the
command [AUTO0].
14. [AUTO1]
This command enables auto-switching to
Output 1. The UT250-101 automatically
connects the lowest numbered input with an
active video signal to Outputs 1A and 1B.
Outputs 2A and 2B remain unchanged.
Auto-switching is automatically disabled when
an input is received on the Output Select Control
Send the command [AUTO1] to the UT250-101.
If a video input signal is connected to any of the
inputs, that signal will be connected to Outputs
1A and 1B only. A valid video signal on Input 1
takes precedence over Input 2, Input 2 over
Input 3, and so on.
15. [AUTO2]
This command enables auto-switching to
Output 2. The UT250-101 automatically
connects the lowest numbered input with an
active video signal Outputs: 2A and 2B. Outputs
1A and 1B remain unchanged. Auto-switching is
automatically disabled when an input is received
on the Output Select Control inputs.