2 TX
3 RX
Connection of IBM-PC 9-pin D to the MX2456RM
Terminal Block
Port setting preferences for the control system or
computer being used to control the switcher should
be set as follows:
BAUD RATE (Bits per second) 9600
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
7.2.1 RS-232 PROTOCOL
The RS-232 protocol for the MX2456RM
Switcher uses a simple ASCII character format.
1. Square brackets “[“ & “]” are part of the
2. Use uppercase letters for all commands.
3. Make sure that the transmit pin of the
control system is connected to the
receive pin of the switcher and
connection done as per Table 5.
4. Make sure that there is a delay of 50 ms
between two consecutive commands.
The factory default settings is 9600 baud, 8 bits,
1 stop, and no parity. There is no software or
hardware flow control implemented.
The MX2456RM Switcher requires 50ms of
processing time after each command is sent.
So, please keep a 50ms delay between two
consecutive commands.
The RS-232 input has a 16-character buffer and
will not execute any command longer than 16-
characters. Any additional commands are
ignored until the previous command is fully
processed. After processing a valid command,
an [OK] string will be returned if requested by
the feedback command.
These programming commands are used for
programming the switcher; they should not be
used as part of a program to operate the
switcher. The programming setting changes
done through these commands are stored in a
non-volatile memory. Typically, these
commands can be issued 10,000 times before
the memory needs to be replaced.
1. [# SW n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6] - Video Switch Input
This is the main command of the video input
Switcher. The [# SW n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6]
command contains all the information needed by
the switcher to activate the video sources that
are connected to the unit.
# = Switch number (No. from 1 to 9, Default =
n1 = Video input number (No. from 0 to 6)
n2 = Break Away code (0 = On , 1 = OFF)
n3 = 0 (video key pressed)
n4 = Sync Delay (No. from 0 to 4)
n5 = Video Equalizer (Hexadecimal No. from 0
to F)
n6 = Audio Gain (Hexadecimal No. from 0 to F)
Sending the [8SW61040F] command will
activate switcher module 8, video input number 6
and audio input 6. Since the break away code is
1, the zero (0) alerts the switcher that the video
key was pressed. The video key has an interval
of 4 (2 seconds). The video equalizer is OFF,
and the maximum volume is F. Zero means
OFF, and the default is 8 for normal volume or
2. [# SW n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6] - Audio Switch Input
This is the main command of the audio input
switcher, which contains all the information