
The output volume line shows the current output
volume level and the input level line lists the
gain setting for each input, 1-8. The maximum
input and output values are 32.
The mute line shows the output’s status, off or
on. A “0” indicates mute is off (output is
enabled) and a “1” indicates mute is on (output
is disabled).
6. [STA1]
This command enables automatic feedback
from the front panel. The command affects any
card with auto-feedback capability, not just the
MT109-100. The default at power up, or after a
reset is STA0, off. For more details, see the
[?Cn] command definition.
Command Format [STA1]: = On
Feedback Prefix Definitions:
MT Card model number
VR Firmware revision
IN Input selection
VO Output volume level
VI Input gain settings
VM Mute setting
Command = [ON1C4]
Feedback = (IN1C04)
IN = Input selection
1 = Setting (1-8)
Input 1 active
C04 = Card/Slot number
7. [STA0]
This command disables automatic feedback
from the card and front panel. The command
affects any card with auto-feedback capability,
not just the MT109-100 card. The default at
power on or reset is STA0, OFF.
Command Format: [STA0]
8. [ +O ]
This command increases the output volume
level by 1 up to the maximum level of 32. If the
command is sent after a level of 32 has been
reached, it will have no effect on the output.
Command Format: [+OCnUi]
Cn = Card ID
Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)
Increase the output volume of C4 (slot 4) from
31 to 32 by sending the command [+OC4].
9. [ -O ]
This command is the same as [+O] except that
it decreases the output volume level by 1 down
to the minimum level of 1.
10. [ +I ]
This command increases an input level by 1 up
to the maximum level of 32. If the command is
sent after a level of 32 has been reached, it will
have no effect on the input.
Command Format: [+ImCnUi]
m = Input No. (m - # from 1 to 8)
Cn = Card ID
Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)
Increase the output volume of C4 (slot 4) from
31 to 32 by sending the command [+OC4].
11. [ -I ]
This command is the same as [+Im] except that
it decreases an input level by 1 down to the
minimum level of 1.
12. [ + ] See the [SEL] command.
13. [ - ] See the [SEL] command.
14. [SEL] and [SELm]
These commands allow the input levels and
output volume to be adjusted incrementally.
OUTPUT Command Format: [SELCnUi]
Cn = Card Slot Number
Ui = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 9)